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"The Million Dollar Author"
How to Publish, Promote & Profit with your own best-selling book
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"The Million Dollar Author™"
How to Publish, Promote & Profit with your own best-selling book
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Exclusive Training

Very limited web class...
Essential knowledge for every author or entrepreneur.
What You Will Learn On This Free Online Workshop:
Secret #1
How To (Finally) Get Your Book Done In No Time Flat Without Having To Grind Daily Over Thousands of Words or Lock Yourself In A Cabin For 6 Months!  (Learn how to create content effortlessly and without pain over and over again)
Secret #2
How To Promote Your Book to Best Seller Even if You Have NO List, NO Following and NO Platform! (Ignore what traditional publishers tell you about needing a big following and actually build a list and following WITH your book)
Secret #3
How to Get on TV, Radio and Media and Become a Celebrity in Your Field and Finally STOP hunting for clients and instead have them HUNTING for you! (And Earn BIG Money From Your Book Even if You Are Currently Completely Unknown!)

About Your Host

Rob Kosberg’s “Publish. Promote. Profit. TM” system has been used by thousands of authors in dozens of countries. He shows entrepreneurs how to become the go-to authority in their market by writing, launching and profiting with a best selling book.
Since 2010, Rob has been the go-to teacher for coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs who want more authority, more exposure, and more clients. Rob works with clients who understand that the way to 7 figures and beyond is via a best selling book and all that goes with it.

Rob and his signature systems have been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and Entrepreneur magazine as well as hundreds of other shows, podcasts, magazines and articles.

Call our office at (626) 765-9750
Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved. 
1346 Walnut St. #205 Pasadena, CA 91106 | 626.765.9750
Rob Kosberg, the Million Dollar Author Coach, helps entrepreneurs like you to stop hunting for clients and become the HUNTED